Java Reference
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Filescanbecreatedand/oropenedfor random access inwhichwriteandreadoperations
can occur until the file is closed. Java supports this random access via its concrete class.
RandomAccessFile declares the following constructors:
RandomAccessFile(File file, String mode) createsandopens
anewfileifitdoesn'texist,oropensanexistingfile.Thefileisidentified by
file 's abstract pathname and is created and/or opened according to mode .
RandomAccessFile(String pathname, String mode) creates
tified by pathname and is created and/or opened according to mode .
Eitherconstructor's mode argumentmustbeoneof "r" , "rw" , "rws" ,or "rwd" ;
otherwise,theconstructorthrows IllegalArgumentException .Thesestringlit-
erals have the following meanings:
"r" informs the constructor to open an existing file for reading only. Any at-
tempt to write to the file results in a thrown instance of the IOException
"rw" informstheconstructortocreateandopenanewfilewhen itdoesn'tex-
ist for reading and writing, or open an existing file for reading and writing.
"rwd" informs the constructor to create and open a new file when it doesn't
exist for reading and writing, or open an existing file for reading and writing.
the underlying storage device.
"rws" informs the constructor to create and open a new file when it doesn't
exist for reading and writing, or open an existing file for reading and writing.
chronously to the underlying storage device.
Note Afile's metadata isdataaboutthefileandnotactualfilecontents.Examples
of metadata include the file's length and the time the file was last modified.
The "rwd" and "rws" modesensurethananywritestoafilelocatedonalocalstor-
the operating system crashes. No guarantee is made when the file doesn't reside on a
local device.
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