Java Reference
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Forexample,whenIspecify java PathnameInfo . (theperiodrepresentsthe
current directory on my XP platform), I observe the following output:
Absolute path = C:\prj\dev\bj7\ch08\code\PathnameInfo\.
Canonical path = C:\prj\dev\bj7\ch08\code\PathnameInfo
Name = .
Parent = null
Path = .
Is absolute = false
This output reveals that the canonical pathname doesn't include the period. It also
shows that there's no parent pathname and that the pathname is relative.
Continuing, I now specify java PathnameInfo
c:\reports\2011\..\2010\February .Thistime,Iobservethefollowingout-
Absolute path = c:\reports\2011\..\2010\February
Canonical path = C:\reports\2010\February
Name = February
Parent = c:\reports\2011\..\2010
Path = c:\reports\2011\..\2010\February
Is absolute = true
Thisoutputrevealsthatthecanonicalpathnamedoesn'tinclude 2011 .Italsoshows
that the pathname is absolute.
Formyfinalexample,supposeIspecify java PathnameInfo "" toobtainin-
Absolute path = C:\prj\dev\bj7\ch08\code\PathnameInfo
Canonical path = C:\prj\dev\bj7\ch08\code\PathnameInfo
Name =
Parent = null
Path =
Is absolute = false
Theoutputrevealsthat getName() and getPath() returntheemptystring( "" )
because the empty pathname is empty.
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