Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Note Graphics2D also declares void setRenderingHints(Map<?,?>
hints) fordiscardingallrenderinghintsandinstallingonlythoserenderinghintsin
the specified map.
The Shape interface represents a vector-based geometric shape, such as a rectangle
or an ellipse. It declares getBounds() , contains() , intersects() , and
getPathIterator() methods:
• The getBounds() methodsreturnrectanglesthatenclosetheshape'sbound-
aries; these rectangles serve as bounding boxes.
• Shapes have interiors and exteriors. The contains() methods tell you if a
point or a rectangle lies inside a shape.
• The intersects() methodstellyouifanypartofarectangleintersectsthe
shape's interior.
• The getPathIterator() methods return shape outlines.
Thefirstthree method categories areusefulinawiderangeoftasks, suchasgame-
based collision detection (are two shapes occupying the same space?) and graphics
application-based hit testing (was the mouse cursor over a specific shape when the
mouse button was pressed?)—perhaps the graphics application lets the user drag a se-
lected shape. The latter method helps the rendering pipeline obtain a shape outline.
Oneofthe contains() methodstakesa java.awt.geom.Point2D argument.
Instances of this class specify points in user space. ( Point2D instances aren't shapes
because Point2D doesn't implement Shape .)
Point2D reveals a pattern that's followed by the shape classes. This abstract class
contains a pair of nested Double and Float concrete subclasses, which override its
abstractmethods.Instantiate Double toincreaseaccuracyandinstantiate Float toin-
crease performance.
Thefollowingexampleshowsyouhowtoinstantiate Point2D ,tospecifypointsin
user space:
Point2D pt1 = new Point2D.Double(10.0, 20.0);
Point2D pt2 = new Point2D.Float(20.0f, 30.0f);
The java.awt.geom package contains various geometric classes that implement
Shape : Arc2D , Area , CubicCurve2D , Ellipse2D , GeneralPath , Line2D ,
Path2D , QuadCurve2D , Rectangle2D , RectangularShape , and
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