Java Reference
In-Depth Information
main() defers GUI creation to the EDT to avoid potential thread-synchronization
problems. Because it's beyond this chapter's scope to discuss these problems, check
out The Java Tutorial (
uiswing/concurrency/dispatch.html ) and the “Swing threading and the
event-dispatch thread” article (
jw-08-2007/jw-08-swingthreading.html ) formoreinformation.(Although
these sources discuss this topic in a Swing context, other sources also include AWT.
Therefore, you should create AWT-based as well as Swing-based GUIs on the EDT.)
TempVerter() firstinvokesthe Frame(String title) constructorvia su-
per(“tempverter”); sothat TempVerter willappearontheframewindow'sti-
tlebar. It then registers a window listener with the frame window so that this window
the X button on the window's titlebar, for example).
Thelistenerisaninstanceofa WindowAdapter anonymoussubclass,whichover-
rides WindowListener 's void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) and
void windowClosed(WindowEvent we) methods. Clicking X or selecting
Close from the window's system menu triggers a call to windowClosing() . You
Toproperlyterminatetheapplication, windowClosing() mustinvoke Window 's
void dispose() method,whichreleasesallthenativescreenresourcesusedbythe
quentlydispatchesthiseventbyinvoking windowClosed() tosignifythatthewin-
dow has closed. Any final cleanup can be performed in this method.
Note Some people prefer to invoke the java.lang.System class's void
exit(int status) method to terminate the application. For more information,
check out Oracle's “AWT Threading Issues” page at ht-
files/AWTThreadIssues.html .
Continuing, the constructor instantiates Panel to contain the GUI's components. It
thenassignsathree-row-by-two-column GridLayout layoutmanagertothiscontain-
er to manage its components.
Eachofthefirsttwogridrowspresents Label and TextField instances.Thelabel
fieldsolicitsinputorpresentsoutput.Thevaluepassedtoeach TextField construct-
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