Java Reference
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form'swindowingsystem,whichmanagesthe native screen resource (anativewindow)
that appears on the screen.
Forexample,whenyouadda Button instancetoacontainer,AWTcalls Compon-
ent 's void addNotify() method, which obtains the current toolkit and calls its
ButtonPeer createButton(Button target) methodtocreatethistoolkit's
Button peer.
For example, on a 32-bit Windows operating system, the native screen resource could
beobtainedviaacalltothe CreateWindow() or CreateWindowEx() Win32API
AWT components except for those created from nonpredefined classes that directly
extend Component or Container are known as heavyweight components because
fromcustom Component and Container subclassesareknownas lightweight com-
ponents becausetheydonothavepeerinterfacesandnativescreenresources(theyreuse
their closest ancestor's peer, which is how Swing works). You can call Component 's
boolean isLightweight() method to determine if a component is lightweight.
Note Heavyweightandlightweightcomponentscanbemixedinasinglecomponent
hierarchyprovidedthattheentirehierarchyis valid (noncontainercomponentsarecor-
rectly sized; container components have their contained components laid out). When
thehierarchyis invalidated (e.g.,afterchanging component bounds [width,height,and
text,orafteradding/removingcomponentsto/fromcontainers),AWT validates itbyin-
voking Container 's void validate() methodonthetop-mostinvalidcontainer
of the hierarchy.
cover many useful constructors and methods. For example, Button declares a But-
ton(String label) constructor for initializing a button to the specified label
text.Alternatively,youcouldcallthe Button() constructortocreatea Button with
nolabel.Regardlessofwhichconstructoryouuse,youcanalwayscall Button 's void
setLabel(String label) and String getLabel() methodstospecifyand
retrieve the label text that is displayed on the button. (Changing a button's displayed
hierarchy to be re-laid out.)
ates a Yes button:
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