Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table1-3 ' soperatorscanbeclassified asadditive, arrayindex,assignment, bitwise,
cast, conditional, equality, logical, member access, method call, multiplicative, object
creation, relational, shift, and unary minus/plus.
Additive Operators
The additive operators consist of addition ( + ), subtraction ( - ), postdecrement ( -- ),
postincrement ( ++ ), predecrement ( -- ), preincrement ( ++ ), and string concatenation
( + ).Additionreturnsthesumofitsoperands(e.g., 6+4 returns10),subtractionreturns
thedifferencebetweenitsoperands(e.g., 6-4 returns2and 4-6 returns2),postdecre-
x-- ), postincrement adds one to its variable operand and returns the variable's prior
value(e.g., x++ ),predecrementsubtractsonefromitsvariableoperandandreturnsthe
variable'snewvalue(e.g., --x ),preincrementaddsonetoitsvariableoperandandre-
turnsthevariable'snewvalue(e.g., ++x ),andstringconcatenationmergesitsstringop-
erands and returns the merged string (e.g., "A"+"B" returns "AB" ).
ment operators can yield values that overflow or underflow the limits of the resulting
Java does not detect overflows and underflows.
Java provides a special widening conversion rule for use with string operands and
the string concatenation operator. If either operand is not a string, the operand is first
converted to a string prior to string concatenation. For example, when presented with
"A"+5 ,thecompilergeneratescodethatfirstconverts 5 to "5" andthenperformsthe
string concatenation operation, resulting in "A5" .
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