Java Reference
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temp ,topreservethestartofthislinkedlistsothatfurthermanipulations(nodeinser-
tions, removals, updates) and searches can be performed.
Thewhileloopiteratesuntil temp containsthenullreference,outputtingeachnode's
name field and assigning the reference in the current node's next field to temp .
When you run this application, it generates the following output:
node 1
node 2
node 3
Youmightdeclare thefollowing Cell classtorepresentasparsematrixnodefora
spreadsheet, which is known as a cell :
class Cell
int row;
int col;
Object value;
Node next;
When called upon to update the spreadsheet on the screen, your spreadsheet applic-
ation'srenderingcodetraversesitslinkedlistof Cell nodes.Foreachcell,itfirstex-
amines ( row , col ) to learn if the cell is visible and should be rendered. If the cell is
visible, the instanceof operator is used to determine value 's type, and value is
then displayed. As soon as null is encountered, the rendering code knows that there
are no more spreadsheet elements to render.
Beforecreatingyourownlinkedlistclasstostore Cell instances,youshouldrealize
that doing so isn't necessary. Instead, you can leverage the Collection Framework's
LinkedList class to store Cell instances (without the unnecessary next fields).
Although you might occasionally need to create your own node-based collections, the
Framework,oralegacyclasssuchas BitSet beforeinventingyourownAPItocollect
The following exercises are designed to test your understanding of collections:
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