Java Reference
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ation nodes) and disk sectors. And bitsets are useful in Huffman coding , a data-com-
pression algorithm for achieving lossless data compression.
Creating Your Own Collections
Arrays,theCollectionsFramework,andlegacyclassessuchas BitSet aresuitablefor
organizinggroupsofobjects(or,inthecaseof BitSet ,setsofbitsthatareinterpreted
ing your own collection APIs. After all, why “reinvent the wheel?”
The Collections Framework supports lists, sets, queues, deques, and maps. If your
Keepinmindthatyoucanalsotakeadvantageoftreesin TreeSet and TreeMap im-
plementation contexts, and stacks in deque contexts.
Perhaps you need a different implementation of one of the Collections Framework
core interfaces. If so, you can extend this framework by implementing the interface,
or by subclassing one of the more convenient “ Abstract ” classes, such as Ab-
stractQueue . For example, author Cay Horstmann demonstrates extending this
tionsframework.htm ) .
Whenyouimplementacoreinterfaceorextendoneofthe Abstract classes,you
should ensure that your implementation class doesn't deviate from the various con-
tracts described in the Java documentation for these interfaces. For example, List
places the following stipulation on the hashCode() method that it inherits from
Collection :
The hash code of a list is defined to be the result of the following calculation:
int hashCode = 1;
for (E e: list)
hashCode = 31*hashCode+(e==null ? 0 : e.hashCode());
This calculation ensures that list1.equals(list2) implies that
list1.hashCode() == list2.hashCode() for any two lists, list1 and
list2 , as required by the general contract of Object.hashCode() .
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