Java Reference
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the point at which key would be inserted into the array (the index of the first
element greater than key , or a.length if all elements in the array are less
than key )andguaranteesthatthereturnvaluewillbegreaterthanorequalto
0ifandonlyif key isfound.Forexample, Arrays.binarySearch(new
String[] {"Robin", "Oriole", "Bluejay"}, "Oriole") re-
turns 1, "Oriole" 's index.
static void fill(char[] a, char ch) stores ch ineachelement
ofthespecifiedcharacterarray.Forexample, Arrays.fill(screen[i],
' '); fills the i th row of a 2D screen array with spaces.
static void sort(long[] a) sortstheelementsinlongintegerarray
a into ascending numerical order; for example, long lArray = new
long[] { 20000L, 89L, 66L, 33L}; Arrays.sort(lArray); .
static <T> void sort(T[] a, Comparator<? super T> c)
sorts the elements in array a using comparator c to order them. For example,
when given Comparator<String> cmp = new Comparator-
<String>() { public int compare(String e1, String
e2) { return e2.compareTo(e1); } }; String[] in-
nerPlanets = { "Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars"
}; , Arrays.sort(innerPlanets, cmp); uses cmp tohelpinsorting
innerPlanets into descending order of its elements: Venus , Mercury ,
Mars , Earth is the result.
Therearetwocommonalgorithmsforsearchinganarrayforaspecificelement. Lin-
ear search searches the array element by element from index 0 to the index of the
Incontrast, binary search searchesorderedarray a 's n itemsforelement e inamuch
faster amount of time. It works by recursively performing the following steps:
1. Set low index to 0.
2. Set high index to n-1.
3. If low index > high index, then Print “Unable to find ” e. End.
4. Set middle index to (low index+high index)/2.
5. If e > a[middle index], then set low index to middle index+1. Go to 3.
6. If e < a[middle index], then set high index to middle index-1. Go to 3.
7. Print “Found ” e “ at index ” middle index.
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