Java Reference
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private String name;
Employee(String name)
{ = name;
public int compareTo(Employee e)
return name.compareTo(;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (!(o instanceof Employee))
return false;
Employee e = (Employee) o;
public String toString()
return name;
Listing5-12 correctsthe SortedSet contractviolationbyoverriding equals() .
Runtheresultingapplicationandyouwillobserve [Bob Doe, John Doe, Sally
Doe] asthefirstlineofoutputand true asthesecondline:thesortedset'snaturalor-
dering is now consistent with equals() .
Note Although it is important to override hashCode() whenever you override
equals() , I did not override hashCode() (although I overrode equals() ) in
Listing 5-12 ' s Employee class to emphasize that tree-based sorted sets ignore
hashCode() .
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