Java Reference
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Array size = 29
sss: apple banana blueberry carrot cherry corn cucumber
grape kiwi lemon mango melon
nectarine onion peach pear pepper plum potato radish rasp-
berry squash strawberry
turnip zucchini
Sorted set size = 26
First element = apple
Last element = zucchini
Comparator = null
hs: apple banana blueberry carrot cherry corn cucumber
grape kiwi lemon mango melon
ts: nectarine onion peach pear pepper plum potato radish
raspberry squash strawberry
turnip zucchini
Count of p-named fruits & vegetables = 5
Incorrect count of c-named fruits & vegetables = 3
Correct count of c-named fruits & vegetables = 4
cannot contain duplicate elements: the duplicate banana , turnip , and onion ele-
ments are not stored in the sorted set.
The comparator() methodreturnsnullbecausethesortedsetwasnotcreatedwith
acomparator.Instead,thesortedsetreliesonthenaturalorderingof String elements
to store them in sorted order.
The headSet() and tailSet() methodsarecalledwithargument "n" toreturn,
n , and a letter that is greater than or equal to n .
subSet() .Asyoucansee, ss.subSet("carrot", "cucumber") doesnotin-
clude cucumber inthereturnedrangeviewbecause cucumber is subSet() 'shigh
Toinclude cucumber intherangeview,youneedtoforma closed range or closed
interval (bothendpointsareincluded).With String objects,youaccomplishthistask
by appending \0 to the string. For example, ss.subSet("carrot", "cucum-
ber\0") includes cucumber because it is less than cucumber\0 .
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