Java Reference
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Asaresult, i1 < i2 isconvertedto i1.intValue() < i2.intValue() and
i1+i2 is converted to i1.intValue()+i2.intValue() .
Caution Don'tassumethatautoboxingandunboxingareusedinthecontextofthe
== and != operators.
A list is an ordered collection, which is also known as a sequence . Elements can be
stored in and accessed from specific locations via integer indexes. Some of these ele-
Lists are described by the List interface, whose generic type is List<E> .
List extends Collection and redeclares its inherited methods, partly for con-
venience. It also redeclares iterator() , add() , remove() , equals() , and
hashCode() to place extra conditions on their contracts. For example, List 's con-
tract for add() specifies that it appends an element to the end of the list, rather than
adding the element to the collection.
List also declares Table 5-2 's list-specific methods.
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