Java Reference
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Examples of valid identifiers include i , counter , loop10 , border$color
and _char . Examples of invalid identifiers include 50y (starts with a digit) and
first#name ( # is not a valid identifier symbol).
Note Javaisa case-sensitive language ,whichmeansthatidentifiersdifferingonly
incaseareconsideredseparateidentifiers.Forexample, salary and Salary aresep-
arate identifiers.
Almost any valid identifier can be chosen to name a class, method, or other source
code entity. However, some identifiers are reserved for special purposes; they are
known as reserved words . Java reserves the following identifiers: abstract , as-
sert , boolean , break , byte , case , catch , char , class , const , continue ,
default , do , double , enum , else , extends , false , final , finally ,
float , for , goto , if , implements , import , instanceof , int , inter-
face , long , native , new , null , package , private , protected , public ,
return , short , static , strictfp , super , switch , synchronized , this ,
throw , throws , transient , true , try , void , volatile , and while . The
compiler outputs an error message if you attempt to use any of these reserved words
outside of their usage contexts.
Note MostofJava'sreservedwordsarealsoknownas keywords .Thethreeexcep-
tions are false , null , and true , which are examples of literals (values specified
acters,andstrings.A type identifiesasetofvalues(andtheirrepresentationinmemory)
ample, the integer type identifies numeric values with no fractional parts and integer-
oriented math operations, such as adding two integers to yield another integer.
Note Javaisastronglytypedlanguage,whichmeansthateveryexpression,variable,
at runtime. Expressions and variables are discussed later in this chapter.
Java classifies types as primitive types, user-defined types, and array types.
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