Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The main() method first creates a ReferenceQueue object describing a queue
onto which a PhantomReference object that initially contains a LargeObject
reference will be enqueued.
main() next creates the PhantomReference object, passing a reference to a
newlycreated LargeObject objectandareferencetothepreviouslycreated Refer-
enceQueue object to the constructor.
After creating a byte array that's used to demonstrate PhantomReference ,
main() enters a polling loop.
The polling loop begins by calling poll() to detect the finalization of the
LargeObject object. As long as this method returns null, meaning that the
LargeObject objectisstillunfinalized,theloopoutputsamessageanddoublesthe
size of the byte array.
At some point, heap space will exhaust and the garbage collector will attempt to
obtain sufficient memory, by first clearing the PhantomReference object's
LargeObject referenceandfinalizingthe LargeObject objectpriortoitsremoval
fromtheheap.The PhantomReference objectisthenenqueuedontothe rq -refer-
enced ReferenceQueue ; poll() returns the PhantomReference object.
main() now exits the loop, outputs a message confirming the large object's final-
ization, and outputs pr.get() 's return value, which is null proving that you cannot
accessa PhantomReference object'sreferent.Atthispoint,anyadditionalcleanup
operations related to the finalized object (such as closing a file that was opened in the
file's constructor but not otherwise closed) could be performed.
Compile Listing 4-9 and run the application. You should see output that's similar to
that shown here:
waiting for large object to be finalized
waiting for large object to be finalized
waiting for large object to be finalized
waiting for large object to be finalized
waiting for large object to be finalized
large object finalized
pr.get() returns null
Note For a more useful example of PhantomReference , check out Keith D
Gregory's “Java Reference Objects” blog post (
index.php?page=java.refobj ).
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