Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Listing 4-8 declares an Image class that simulates loading a large image, and an
ImageCache class that demonstrates the SoftReference -based caching of an
Image object.
The main() method first creates an Image instance by calling the getImage()
class method; the instance's private image array occupies 100MB of memory.
main() nextcreatesa SoftReference objectthatisinitializedtoan Image ob-
ject'sreference,andclearsthestrongreferencetothe Image objectbyassigning null
to image .Ifthisstrongreferenceisnotremoved,the Image objectwillbecachedal-
ways and the application will most likely run out of memory.
After creating a byte array that's used to demonstrate SoftReference , main()
enterstheapplication'smainloop,whichkeepsloopingaslongas cache.get() re-
turnsanonnullreference(the Image objectisstillinthecache).Foreachloopiteration,
main() outputs a message stating that the Image object is still cached, and doubles
the size of the byte array.
At some point, the array doubling will exhaust the heap space. However, before it
throwsaninstanceofthe java.lang.OutOfMemoryError class,theJavaVirtual
Machine(JVM)willattempttoobtainsufficientmemorybyclearingthe SoftRefer-
ence object's Image reference, and removing the Image object from the heap.
The next loop iteration will detect this situation by discovering that get() returns
null.Theloopendsand main() outputsasuitablemessageconfirmingthatthe Image
object is no longer cached.
main() now assigns null to b to ensure that there will be sufficient memory to
reloadthelargeimage(via getImage() )andonceagainstoreitina SoftRefer-
ence -based cache.
Finally, main() entersafinitelooptodemonstratethatthereloaded Image object
is still in the cache.
Compile Listing4-8 ( javac )andruntheapplication( java
ImageCache ). You should discover output that's similar to that shown here:
caching image
image is still cached
image is still cached
image is still cached
image is still cached
image is still cached
image is no longer cached
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