Java Reference
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Although NumberFormatException describes anunchecked exception, andal-
takes, NumberFormatException doesnotfitthispatterninthisexample.Theex-
numeric argument to the application, which cannot be avoided through proper coding.
Perhaps NumberFormatException should have been implemented as a checked
exception type.
Integer, Long, Short, and Byte
Integer , Long , Short ,and Byte store32-bit,64-bit,16-bit,and8-bitintegerval-
ues in Integer , Long , Short , and Byte objects, respectively.
Eachclassdeclares MAX_VALUE and MIN_VALUE constantsthatidentifythemax-
imum and minimum values that can be represented by its associated primitive type.
These classes also declare the following constructors for initializing their objects:
Integer(int value) initializes the Integer object to value .
Integer(String s) converts s 'stexttoa32-bitinteger valueandstores
this value in the Integer object.
Long(long value) initializes the Long object to value .
Long(String s) converts s 's text to a 64-bit integer value and stores this
value in the Long object.
Short(short value) initializes the Short object to value .
Short(String s) converts s 'stexttoa16-bitintegervalueandstoresthis
value in the Short object.
Byte(byte value) initializes the Byte object to value .
Byte(String s) converts s 's text to an 8-bit integer value and stores this
value in the Byte object.
Integer 's constructors are complemented by int intValue() , Long 's con-
structorsarecomplementedby long longValue() , Short 'sconstructorsarecom-
plemented by short shortValue() , and Byte 's constructors are complemented
by byte byteValue() . These methods return wrapped integers.
These classes declare various useful integer-oriented methods. For example, In-
teger declares the following utility methods for converting a 32-bit integer to a
java.lang.String instance according to a specific representation (binary, hexa-
decimal, octal, and decimal):
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