Java Reference
In-Depth Information
• Because StrictMath cannot utilize platform-specific features such as an
extended-precision math coprocessor, an implementation of StrictMath
might be less efficient than an implementation of Math .
Forthemostpart, Math 'smethodscalltheir StrictMath counterparts.Twoexcep-
tions are toDegrees() and toRadians() . Although these methods have identic-
alcodebodiesinbothclasses, StrictMath 'simplementationsincludereservedword
strictfp in the method headers:
public static strictfp double toDegrees(double angrad)
public static strictfp double toRadians(double angdeg)
Wikipedia's“strictfp”entry( )
mentionsthat strictfp restrictsfloating-pointcalculationstoensureportability.This
Note The previously cited “strictfp” article states that Math contains public
static strictfp double abs(double); andother strictfp methods.If
youcheckoutthisclass'ssourcecodeunderJava7,youwillnotfind strictfp any-
where in the source code. However, many Math methods (such as sin() ) call their
StrictMath counterparts,whichareimplementedinaplatform-specificlibrary,and
the library's method implementations are strict.
Without strictfp ,anintermediatecalculationisnotlimitedtotheIEEE75432-bit
this representation.
Becauseofthisdiscrepancy,portabilityiscompromised. strictfp levelstheplaying
field by requiring all platforms to use 32/64 bits for intermediate calculations.
When applied to a method, strictfp ensures that all floating-point calculations
performed in that method are in strict compliance. However, strictfp can be used
inaclassheaderdeclaration(asin public strictfp class FourierTrans-
form ) to ensure that all floating-point calculations performed in that class are strict.
Note Math and StrictMath are declared final so that they cannot be exten-
ded.Also,theydeclare private empty noargument constructors sothat theycannot be
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