Java Reference
In-Depth Information
load the English Java EE installer for the Windows platform, which is a file
in Beginning Java 7, it might seem pointless to install the Java EE version of
cide to explore Java EE after reading this topic.)
gives you the option of choosing which application servers you want to install with
and click the Next button.
On the resulting License Agreement dialog, read the agreement, indicate its accept-
JUnit License Agreement dialog.
The resulting NetBeans IDE 7.0 Installation dialog presents the default location
where NetBeans will be installed ( C:\Program Files\NetBeans 7.0 on
my platform) and the JDK 7 home directory location ( C:\Program
Files\Java\jdk1.7.0 onmyplatform).Changetheselocationsifnecessaryand
click Next.
The resulting GlassFish 3.1 Installation dialog box presents the default location
where the GlassFish application server will be installed ( C:\Program
Files\glassfish-3.1 on my platform). Change this location if necessary and
click Next.
Theresulting ApacheTomcat 7.0.11Installation dialogpresentsthedefault location
where the Apache Tomcat application server will be installed ( C:\Program
Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache Tomcat 7.0.11 onmy
platform). Change this location if necessary and click Next.
the Install button to begin installation.
viewing this dialog's information, click the Finish button to complete installation.
Assuming a successful installation, start this IDE. NetBeans first presents a splash
screen while it performs various initialization tasks, and then presents a main window
similar to that shown in Figure 1-1 .
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