Java Reference
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variant is something that does not change.
Although there are many situations where assertions should be used, there also are
check the arguments that are passed to public methods.
The compiler records assertions in the classfile. However, assertions are disabled at
before you can test assumptions about the behaviors of your classes.
elements.Theyareexpressedinsourcecodebyprefixingtheirtypenameswith @ sym-
bols. For example, @Readonly is an annotation and Readonly is its type.
Java supplies a wide variety of annotation types, including the compiler-oriented
Override , Deprecated , SuppressWarnings , and SafeVarargs types.
However,youcanalsodeclareyourownannotationtypesbyusingthe @interface
elements they can target (such as constructors, methods, or fields), their retention
policies, and other characteristics.
Annotations whosetypesareassignedaruntime retention policyvia @Retention
annotations can be processed at runtime using custom applications or Java's apt tool,
whose functionality has been integrated into the compiler starting with Java 6.
Java 5 introduced generics, language features for declaring and using type-agnostic
help you avoid ClassCastException s.
is known as an actual type argument.
fies a raw type, which is a generic type without its type parameters.
Many type parameters are unbounded in that they can accept any actual type argu-
ment. To restrict actual type arguments, you can specify an upper bound, a type that
serves as an upper limit on the types that can be chosen as actual type arguments.
The upper bound is specified via reserved word extends followed by a type name.
However, lower bounds are not supported.
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