Java Reference
In-Depth Information
enumType identifies the Class object of the enum from which to return a
name identifies the name of the constant to return.
Forexample, Coin penny = Enum.valueOf(Coin.class, "PENNY");
assigns the Coin constant whose name is PENNY to penny .
Youwill not discover a values() method in Enum 'sJava documentation because
the compiler synthesizes (manufactures) this method while generating the class.
Extending the Enum Class
Enum 's generic type is Enum<E extends Enum<E>> . Although the formal type
parameter list looks ghastly, it is not that hard to understand. But first, take a look at
Listing 3-66 .
Listing 3-66. The Coin class as it appears from the perspective of its classfile
final class Coin extends Enum<Coin>
public static final Coin PENNY = new Coin("PENNY", 0);
public static final Coin ICKEL = new Coin("NICKEL", 1);
public static final Coin DIME = new Coin("DIME", 2);
public static final Coin QUARTER = new Coin("QUARTER",
private static final Coin[] $VALUES = { PENNY, ICKEL,
public static Coin[] values()
return Coin.$VALUES.clone();
public static Coin valueOf(String name)
return Enum.valueOf(Coin.class, "Coin");
private Coin(String name, int ordinal)
super(name, ordinal);
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