Java Reference
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ences). In this case, an array of Point references is a supertype of an array of Co-
loredPoint references.Theonarrayanalogyisthatasubtypeisalsoasupertype.For
example, a Throwable instance is a kind of Object instance.
Covarianceisdangerouswhenabused.Forexample,thethirdline( ptArray[0] =
new Point(); )resultsin ArrayStoreException atruntimebecausea Point
instanceisnota ColoredPoint instance.Withoutthisexception,anattempttoaccess
the nonexistent member color crashes the JVM.
able at runtime because they're thrown away after the source code is compiled. This
“throwingawayoftypeparameters”isaresultof erasure ,whichalsoinvolvesinserting
ers by their upper bounds (such as Object ).
Note The compiler performs erasure to let generic code interoperate with legacy
(nongeneric) code. It transforms generic source code into nongeneric runtime code.
One consequence of erasure is that you cannot use the instanceof operator with
parameterized types apart from unbounded wildcard types. For example, it's illegal
to specify List<Employee> le = null; if (le instanceof Ar-
rayList<Employee>) {} . Instead, you must change the instanceof expres-
sion to le instanceof ArrayList<?> (unbounded wildcard) or le in-
stanceof ArrayList (raw type, which is the preferred use).
Suppose you could specify an array-creation expression involving a type parameter
or an actual type argument. Why would this be bad? For an answer, consider the fol-
lowing example, which should generate an ArrayStoreException instead of a
ClassCastException but doesn't do so:
List<Employee>[] empListArray = new List<Employee>[1];
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
Object[] objArray = empListArray;
objArray[0] = strList;
Employee e = empListArray[0].get(0);
storesa List of Employee ,islegal.Thesecondlinecreatesa List of String ,and
the third line stores a single String object in this list.
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