Java Reference
In-Depth Information
System.out.println("Empty: "+queue.isEmpty());
System.out.println("Full: "+queue.isFull());
class QueueEmptyException extends Exception
class QueueFullException extends Exception
Listing 3-52 declares Queue , QueueEmptyException , and QueueFullEx-
ception classes. The latter two classes describe checked exceptions that are thrown
from methods of the former class.
Queue implementsa queue ,adatastructurethatstoreselementsinfirst-in,first-out
order. An element is inserted at the tail and removed at the head . The queue is empty
a queue of size n can store a maximum of n -1 elements.
Notice that Queue<E> 's E type parameter appears throughout the source code. For
example, E appears in the elements array declaration to denote the array's element
type. E isalsospecifiedasthetypeof insert() 'sparameterandas remove() 'sre-
turn type.
E alsoappearsin elements = (E[]) new Object[size]; .(Iwillexplain
laterwhyIspecifiedthisexpressioninsteadofspecifyingthemorecompact elements
= new E[size]; expression.)
The E[] cast results in the compiler warning about this cast being unchecked. The
compilerisconcernedthatdowncastingfrom Object[] to E[] mightresultinaviol-
ation of type safety because any kind of object can be stored in Object[] .
The compiler's concern is not justified in this example. There is no way that a
on- E object can appear in the E[] array. Because the warning is meaningless in
this context, it is suppressed by prefixing the constructor with @SuppressWarn-
ings("unchecked") .
Caution Becarefulwhensuppressinganuncheckedwarning.Youmustfirstprove
thata ClassCastException cannotoccur,andthenyoucansuppressthewarning.
When you run this application, it generates the following output:
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