Java Reference
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aFormatException imfeumfe)
// common code to respond to these similar exceptions
This example assumes that convert() is also capable of throwing me-
dia.UnsupportedMediaFormatException whenitdetectsamediaformatthat
it cannot handle (such as a video format). When convert() throws either Inval-
idMediaFormatException or UnsupportedMediaFormatException , the
catch block will handle either exception.
parameterisimplicitlyregardedas final .Asaresult,youcannotchangetheparamet-
er's value. For example, you cannot change the reference stored in the example's im-
feumfe parameter.
Multicatchisnotalwaysnecessary.Forexample,youdonotneedtospecify catch
(FileNotFoundException | IOException fnfeioe) { /* suitable
common code */ } tohandle FileNotFoundException and IOException
because catch (IOException ioe) accomplishes the same task, by catching
FileNotFoundException as well as IOException . For this reason, the com-
include a supertype and a subtype.
Note The bytecode resulting from compiling a catch block that handles multiple
exception types will be smaller than compiling several catch blocks that each handle
only one of the listed exception types. A catch block that handles multiple exception
types contributes no duplicate bytecode during compilation. In other words, the byte-
code doesn't contain replicated exception handlers.
Rethrowing Exceptions
While discussing the Throwable class, I discussed wrapping lower-level exceptions
illustrated in the following example:
catch (IOException ioe)
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