Java Reference
In-Depth Information
( CloneNotSupportedException should not be checked because there is no
runtime workaround for this kind of exception.)
A runtime exception isanexceptionthatrepresentsacodingmistake.Thiskindofex-
ceptionisalsoknownasan unchecked exception becauseitdoesnotneedtobehandled
in many places, it would be burdensome to be forced to handle them.
RuntimeException and its subclasses describe unchecked exceptions. For ex-
ample, java.lang.ArithmeticException describes arithmetic problems such
as integer division by zero. Another example is
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException . (In hindsight,
RuntimeException should have been named UncheckedException because
all exceptions occur at runtime.)
Note Manydevelopersarenothappywithcheckedexceptionsbecauseofthework
As a result, many modern languages support only unchecked exceptions.
Custom Exception Classes
Ifnoexistingclassmeetsyourneeds,thinkaboutwhethertosubclass Exception
or RuntimeException .Inotherwords,willyourexceptionclassbecheckedorun-
checked?Asaruleofthumb,yourclassshouldsubclass RuntimeException ifyou
think that it will describe a coding mistake.
Tip Whenyounameyourclass,followtheconventionofprovidingan Exception
suffix. This suffix clarifies that your class describes an exception.
Suppose you are creating a Media class whose static methods perform various
media-oriented utility tasks. Forexample, one method converts soundfiles in on-MP3
media formats to MP3 format. This method will be passed source file and destination
file's extension.
Before performing the conversion, the method needs to verify that the source file's
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