Java Reference
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return "("+x+", "+y+")";
This time, executing System.out.println(p1); results in more meaningful
output, such as (10, 20) .
Implementation inheritance and composition offer two different approaches to reusing
code. As you have learned, implementation inheritance is concerned with extending a
classwithanewclass,whichisbaseduponan“is-a”relationshipbetweenthem:a Car
is a Vehicle , for example.
On the other hand, composition is concerned with composing classes out of other
classes,whichisbasedupona“has-a”relationshipbetweenthem.Forexample,a Car
has an Engine , Wheel s, and a SteeringWheel .
Youhavealreadyseenexamplesofcompositioninthischapter.Forexample, Listing
2-3 ' s Car classincludes String make and String model fields. Listing2-28 ' s
Car class provides another example of composition.
Listing 2-28. A Car class whose instances are composed of other objects
class Car extends Vehicle
private Engine engine;
private Wheel[] wheels;
private SteeringWheel steeringWheel;
Listing 2-28 demonstrates that composition and implementation inheritance are not
mutually exclusive. Although not shown, Car inherits various members from its Ve-
hicle superclass, in addition to providing its own engine , wheels , and steer-
ingwheel instance fields.
The Trouble with Implementation Inheritance
Implementation inheritance is potentially dangerous, especially when the developer
does not have complete control over the superclass, or when the superclass is not de-
signed and documented with extension in mind.
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