Java Reference
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Listing 2-24. A fictional demonstration of multiple implementation inheritance
class Horse
void describe()
// Code that outputs a description of a horse's ap-
pearance and behaviors.
class Bird
void describe()
// Code that outputs a description of a bird's ap-
pearance and behaviors.
class FlyingHorse extends Horse, Bird
public static void main(String[] args)
FlyingHorse pegasus = new FlyingHorse();
This class structure reveals an ambiguity resulting from each of Horse and Bird
declaring a describe() method. Which of these methods does FlyingHorse in-
herit? A related ambiguity arises from same-named fields, possibly of different types.
Which field is inherited?
The Ultimate Superclass
AclassthatdoesnotexplicitlyextendanotherclassimplicitlyextendsJava's Object
class(locatedinthe java.lang package—Iwilldiscusspackagesinthenextchapter).
Forexample, Listing2-1 's Image classextends Object ,whereas Listing2-21 ' s Car
and Truck classes extend Vehicle , which extends Object .
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