Java Reference
In-Depth Information
src contains the project's source code.
res contains the following directories:
drawable-hdpi containsdrawableresources(suchasicons)forhigh-dens-
ity screens.
drawable-ldpi contains drawable resources for low-density screens.
drawable-mdpi contains drawable resources for medium-density screens.
layout contains layout files.
values contains value files.
Also, src contains the ca\tutortutor\j7ma directory structure, and the final
j7ma subdirectory contains a skeletal source file.
Before you can create this app, you need to perform the following tasks:
• Replace the skeletal source file with Listing
12-3 .
• Replace the layout subdirectory's skeletal main.xml file with Listing 12-4 .
• Replace the values subdirectory's skeletal strings.xml file with Listing
12-5 .
• Createa drawable directoryunderneath res .Copythe duke0.png through
duke9.png images located in this topic's code file along with Listing 12-6 ' s
duke_wave.xml file to drawable .
Thegenerated AndroidManifest.xml fileshouldbefine,althoughyoucanre-
place it with Listing 12-7 if desired.
Assuming that C:\prj\dev\Java7MeetsAndroid is current, build this app
with the help of Apache's ant tool, which defaults to processing this directory's
build.xml file.Atthecommandline,specify ant followedby debug or release
to indicate the build mode:
Debug mode :Buildtheappfortestinganddebugging.Thebuildtoolssignthe
resultingAPKwithadebugkeyandoptimizetheAPKwith zipalign .Spe-
cify ant debug .
Release mode : Build the app for release to users. You must sign the resulting
APKwithyourprivatekey,andthenoptimizetheAPKwith zipalign .(Idis-
cuss these tasks in Android Recipes .) Specify ant release .
Build Java7MeetsAndroid in debug mode by invoking ant debug from the
C:\prj\dev\Java7MeetsAndroid directory.Thiscommandcreatesa gen sub-
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