Java Reference
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zontal. "horizontal" and "vertical" aretheonlylegalvaluesthatcan
be assigned to this attribute.
layout_width identifies the width of the layout. Legal values include
"fill_parent" (be as wide as the parent) and "wrap_content" (be
wide enough to enclose content). fill_parent was renamed to
match_parent in Android 2.2, but is still supported and widely used.
layout_height identifies the height of the layout. Legal values include
"fill_parent" (be as tall as the parent) and "wrap_content" (be tall
enough to enclose content).
gravity identifieshowthelayoutispositionedrelativetothescreen.Forex-
ample, "center" specifiesthatthelayoutshouldbecenteredhorizontallyand
vertically on the screen.
background identifies abackgroundimage, agradient, orasolidcolor.For
background ( #ffffff ).
The LinearLayout element encapsulates ImageView and Button elements.
Each of these elements specifies an id attribute that identifies the element so that it
can be referenced from code. The resource identifier (special syntax that begins with
@ ) assigned to this attribute begins with the @+id prefix. For example, @+id/duke
identifies the ImageView element as duke ; this element is referenced from code by
specifying .
Theseelementsalsospecify layout_width and layout_height attributesfor
determining how their content is laid out. Each attribute is assigned wrap_content
so that the element will appear at its natural size.
ImageView specifies a layout_marginBottom attribute to identify a space
10dips,or density-independent pixels (virtualpixelsthatappscanusetoexpresslayout
dimensions/positions in a screen density-independent way).
Note Adensity-independent pixel isequivalent toonephysical pixel ona160-dpi
screen, the baseline density assumed by Android. At run time, Android transparently
160). For example, on a 240-dpi screen, 1 dip equals 1.5 physical pixels. Google re-
of the UI on different screens.
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