Java Reference
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Note Don'tconfusewidgetinthiscontextwithwidgetsshownontheAndroidhome
screen. Although the same term isused,userinterface widgets andhome screen wid-
gets are different.
Continuing, onCreate(Bundle) executes ImageView dukeImage =
(ImageView) findViewById(; .Thisstatementfirstcalls View 's
View findViewById(int id) method to find the an-
droid.widget.ImageView element declared in main.xml and identified as
duke ,andinstantiate ImageView andinitialize ittoitsdeclarative information. The
statement then saves this object's reference in local variable dukeImage .
The subsequent
dukeImage.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.duke_wave); state-
ment invokes ImageView 's inherited (from View ) void setBackgroundRe-
sourceMethod(int resID) methodtosettheview'sbackgroundtotheresource
identified by resID . The R.drawable.duke_wave argument identifies an XML
file named duke_wave.xml (presented later), which stores information on the an-
imation, and which is stored in res 's drawable subdirectory. The setBack-
groundResource() calllinksthe dukeImage viewtothesequenceofimagesde-
scribedby duke_wave.xml andthatwillbedrawnonthisview;theinitialimageis
drawn as a result of this method call.
ImageView lets an app animate a sequence of drawables by calling Anima-
tionDrawable methods. Before the app can do this, it must obtain ImageView 's
AnimationDrawable . The dukeAnimation = (AnimationDrawable)
dukeImage.getBackground(); assignmentstatementthatfollowsaccomplishes
this task by invoking ImageView 's inherited (from View ) Drawable getBack-
ground() methodtoreturnthe AnimationDrawable forthis ImageView ,which
issubsequentlyassignedtothe dukeAnimation field.The AnimationDrawable
instance is used to start and stop an animation (discussed shortly).
onCreate(Bundle) nowturnsitsattentiontocreatingtheWavebutton.Itinvokes
findByViewId(int) to obtain the button information from main.xml , and then
instantiate the android.widget.Button class.
The View class's nested onClickListener interface is then employed to create
a listener object whose void onClick(View v) method is invoked whenever
theuserclicksthebutton.Thelistener isregistered withits Button objectbycalling
View 's void setOnClickListener(AdapterView.OnClickListener
listener) method.
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