Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Note AnimationDrawable indirectly extends the abstract an- class, which is a general abstraction
for a drawable , something that can be drawn (e.g., an image).
All the app's work takes place in Java7MeetsAndroid 's overriding
onCreate(Bundle) method:noothermethodsarerequired,whichhelpstokeepthis
app simple.
onCreate(Bundle) first invokes its same-named superclass method, a rule that
must be followed by all overriding activity methods.
This method then executes setContentView(R.layout.main) to establish
the app's user interface. R.layout.main is an identifier (ID) for an application re-
source, which resides in a separate file. You interpret this ID as follows:
R isthenameofaclassthat'sgenerated(bythe aapt tool)whentheappisbe-
ing built. This class is named R because its content identifies various kinds of
application resources (e.g., layouts, images, strings, and colors).
layout isthenameofaclassthat'snestedwithin R .Allapplicationresources
fashion. For example, string identifies string resources.
main isthenameofan int constantdeclaredwithin layout .Thisresource
ID identifies the main layout resource. Specifically, main refers to a
main.xml file that stores the main activity's layout information. main is
Java7MeetsAndroid 's only layout resource.
R.layout.main is passed to Activity 's void setContentView(int
layoutResID) methodtotellAndroidtocreateauserinterfacescreenusingthelay-
outinformationstoredin main.xml .Behindthescenes,Androidcreatestheuserinter-
facecomponentsdescribedin main.xml andpositionsthemonthescreenasspecified
by main.xml 's layout data.
The screen is based on views (abstractions of user interface components) and view
groups (views that group related user interface components). Views are instances of
classes that subclass the android.view.View class and are analogous to AWT/
Swing components. View groups are instances of classes that subclass the abstract
android.view.ViewGroup class and are analogous to AWT/Swing containers.
Android refers to specific views (e.g., buttons or spinners) as widgets .
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