Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 12-8. The AVD window presents the home screen on its left, and presents phone controls
and a keyboard on its right.
screen, the phone controls, and the keyboard. If not, there are a few items to keep in
• The home screen (see Figure 12-8 ' s left pane) is a special app that serves as a
starting point for using an Android device. It displays wallpaper for its back-
ground. You can change the wallpaper by clicking the MENU button (in the
phone controls), and selecting Wallpaper in the resulting pop-up menu.
• Astatusbarappearsabovethehomescreen(andeveryappscreen).The status
bar presentsthecurrenttime,amountofbatterypowerremaining,andotherin-
formation; and also provides access to notifications.
• Thehomescreenpresentsawallpaperbackground.ClicktheMENUbuttonin
the phone controls followed by Wallpaper in the pop-up menu to change the
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