Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Note WhenaJDKisalreadyinstalledonyourdevelopmentplatform,takeamoment
distributions may include JDK 1.4, which isn't supported for Android development.
Also, Gnu Compiler for Java isn't supported.
Installing the Android SDK
Point your browser to
you would download one of (Windows), (Mac OS X [Intel]), and android-
sdk_r12-linux_x86.tgz (Linux[i386])toinstallAndroidSDKRelease12.(Ifo-
cus on Release 12 in this chapter because it's current at time of writing; a new release
may be available by the time this topic is published.)
Note Windows developers have the option of downloading and running in-
staller_r12-windows.exe . Google recommends that you use this tool, which
automates most of the installation process.
For example, if you run Windows, download android- . After unarchiving this file, move the unarchived
android-sdk-windows homedirectorytoaconvenientlocationinyourfilesystem;
for example, you might move the unarchived C:\unzipped\android-
sdk_r12-windows\android-sdk-windows home directory to the root direct-
ory on your C: drive, resulting in C:\android-sdk-windows .
Note Tocompleteinstallation,addthe tools subdirectorytoyour PATH environ-
your filesystem.
Asubsequentexaminationof android-sdk-windows showsthatthishomedir-
ectory contains the following subdirectories and files:
add-ons :Thisinitiallyemptydirectorystoresadd-onsfromGoogleandother
vendors; for example, the Google APIs add-on is stored here.
platforms : This initially empty directory stores Android platforms in sep-
aratesubdirectories.Forexample,Android2.3wouldbestoredinone plat-
forms subdirectory,whereas Android2.2wouldbestoredinanother plat-
forms subdirectory.
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