Java Reference
In-Depth Information
<data android:mimeType="image/jpeg" />
droid:name="android.intent.category.default" />
SimpleActivity2 's intent-filter element helps Android determine that
thisactivityistobelaunchedwhenthe Intent object'svaluesmatchthefollowingtag
attribute values:
<action> 's
droid.intent.action.view" .
<data> 's mimeType attribute is assigned the "image/jpeg" MIME type.
<category> 's name attribute is assigned "an-
droid.intent.category.default" to allow the activity to be
launched without explicitly specifying its component.
Note The data element describes the data on which an intent operates. Its
mimeType attributeidentifiesthedata'sMIMEtype.Additionalattributescanbespe-
cified. For example, you could specify path to identify the data's location URI.
AndroidManifest.xml maycontainadditionalinformation,suchasnamingany
identifying all app-enforced permissions (via permission elements) to other apps,
such as controlling who can start the app's activities.
Also, the manifest may contain uses-permission elements to identify permis-
sions that the app needs. For example, an app that needs to use the camera would
specify the following element: <uses-permission
droid:name="" /> .
Note uses-permission elementsarenestedwithin manifest elements—they
appear at the same level as the application element.
Atappinstalltime,permissionsrequestedbytheapp(via uses-permission )are
granted to it by Android's package installer, based on checks against the digital signa-
tures of the apps declaring those permissions and/or interaction with the user.
No checks with the user are done while an app is running. It was granted a specific
granted and any attempt to use the feature will fail without prompting the user.
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