Java Reference
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ca.tutortutor.simpleapp .
Note The period isn't present when AndroidManifest.xml is created at the
Eclipse. Regardless, SimpleActivity is relative to <manifest> 's package
value ( ca.tutortutor.simpleapp ).
The activity elementcanoverride application 's label and icon attributes
withitsowncomponent-specific label and icon attributes.Wheneitherattributeisn't
present, activity inherits application 's label or icon attribute value.
Nestedwithin activity is intent-filter .Thiselementdeclaresthecapabil-
capabilities of the SimpleActivity component via its nested action and cat-
egory elements:
action identifies the action to perform. For example, this element's name
attribute can be assigned "android.intent.action.main" to identify
the activity as the app's entry point (the first activity to run when the user
launches the app).
category identifies a component category. This tag's name attribute is as-
signed "android.intent.category.launcher" toidentifytheactiv-
ity as needing to be displayed in the app launcher (discussed later).
Note Othercomponentsaresimilarlydeclared:broadcastreceiversaredeclaredvia
receiver elements, content providers are declared via provider elements, and
services are declared via service elements. Except for broadcast receivers, which
The <!-- ... --> comment tag indicates that a manifest can define multiple
components.Forexample,Ireferredtoa SimpleActivity2 classwhilediscussing
to introduce an activity element into the manifest.
Consider the following activity element:
<activity android:name=".simpleactivity2" ...>
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