Java Reference
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fromthetime onPause() returnsuntilthetime onResume() iscalled.Theactivity
won't again be killable until onPause() returns.
These seven methods define an activity's entire lifecycle and describe the following
three nested loops:
• The entire lifetime of an activity is defined as everything from the first call
to onCreate(Bundle) through to a single final call to onDestroy() .
An activity performs all its initial setup of “global” state in
onCreate(Bundle) ,andreleasesallremainingenvironmentalresourcesin
onDestroy() . For example, when the activity has a thread running in the
background to download data from the network, it might create that thread in
onCreate(Bundle) and stop the thread in onDestroy() .
• The visible lifetime of an activity is defined as everything from a call to
onStart() throughtoacorrespondingcallto onStop() .Duringthistime,
gisterabroadcastreceiverin onStart() tomonitorforchangesthatimpact
its user interface, and unregister this object in onStop() when the user can
nolongerseewhattheactivityisdisplaying.The onStart() and onStop()
methods can be called multiple times, as the activity alternates between being
visible to and being hidden from the user.
• The foreground lifetime of an activity is defined as everything from a call to
onResume() through to a corresponding call to onPause() . During this
time, the activity is in front of all other activities onscreen and is interacting
with the user. An activity can frequently transition between the resumed and
pausedstates;forexample, onPause() iscalledwhenthedevicegoestosleep
or when a new activity is started, and onResume() is called when an activ-
fairly lightweight.
Note Eachlifecyclecallbackmethodisahookthatanactivitycanoverridetoper-
formappropriatework.Allactivitiesmustimplement onCreate(Bundle) tocarry
out the initial setup when the activity object is first instantiated. Many activities also
implement onPause() to commit data changes and otherwise prepare to stop inter-
acting with the user.
Figure 12-3 illustrates an activity's lifecycle in terms of these seven methods.
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