Java Reference
In-Depth Information
onCreate(Bundle) iscalledwhentheactivityisfirstcreated.Thismethod
is used to create the activity's user interface, create background threads as
needed, and perform other global initialization. onCreate() is passed an
android.os.Bundle object containing the activity's previous state, when
calls the onStart() method after calling onCreate(Bundle) .
onStart() is called just before the activity becomes visible to the user.
Android calls the onResume() method after calling onStart() when the
activity comes to the foreground, and calls the onStop() method after
onStart() when the activity becomes hidden.
onRestart() is called after the activity has been stopped, just prior to it
being started again. Android always calls onStart() after calling onRe-
start() .
onResume() iscalledjustbeforetheactivitystartsinteractingwiththeuser.
Androidalwayscallsthe onPause() methodaftercalling onResume() ,but
only when the activity must be paused.
onPause() iscalledwhenAndroidisabouttoresumeanotheractivity.This
causethenextactivitywon'tberesumeduntilitreturns.Androidcalls onRe-
sume() aftercalling onPause() whentheactivitystartsinteractingwiththe
user, and calls onStop() when the activity becomes invisible to the user.
onStop() is called when the activity is no longer visible to the user. This
ity.Android calls onRestart() after calling onStop() ,when the activity
iscomingbacktointeractwiththeuser,andcallsthe onDestroy() method
when the activity is going away.
onDestroy() is called before the activity is destroyed, unless memory is
tight and Android is forced to kill the activity's process. In this scenario,
onDestroy() isnevercalled.If onDestroy() iscalled,itwillbethefinal
call that the activity ever receives.
Note Android can kill the process hosting the activity at any time after
onPause() , onStop() ,or onDestroy() returns.Anactivityisinakillablestate
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