Java Reference
In-Depth Information
isoptional.Whenset,the Intent objectisdeliveredtoaninstanceofthe
designatedclass.Whennotset,Androidusesotherinformationinthe In-
tent object to locate a suitable target.
Data :Theuniformresourceidentifier(URI)ofthedataonwhichtooperate
(e.g., a person record in a contacts database).
Extras :Asetofkey-valuepairsprovidingadditionalinformationthatshould
sage's subject, body, and so on.
Flags: Bit values that instruct Android on how to launch an activity (e.g.,
which task the activity should belong to—tasks are discussed later in this
Intent class;forexample, FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK specifiesthat
this activity will become the start of a new task on this history stack—the
history stack is discussed later in this chapter.
Type :TheMultipurposeInternetMailExtensions(MIME)typeoftheintent
data. Normally, Android infers a type from the data. By specifying a type,
you disable that inference.
Intentscanbeclassifiedasexplicitorimplicit.An explicit intent designatesthetarget
a value). Because component names are usually unknown to the developers of oth-
plicit intent to an instance ofthe designated target class. Only the Intent object's
component name matters for determining which component should get the intent.
An implicit intent doesn'tnameatarget(thecomponentnameisn'tassignedavalue).
Implicit intents are often used to start components in other apps. Android searches
or components (a set of broadcast receivers to respond to the broadcast announce-
ofthe Intent objectto intent filters ,manifestinformationassociatedwithcompon-
ents that can potentially receive intents.
Filters advertise a component's capabilities and identify only those intents that the
component can handle. They open up the component to the possibility of receiving
andimplicitintents.Androidconsultsan Intent object'saction,category,data,and
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