Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.create(new TempVerter-
The main() methodfirstcreatesan HTTPServer instancethatdescribesanHTTP
server connected to port 9901 of the local host. This method next creates the /Tem-
pVerter context, and returns the resulting HttpContext subclass object.
Continuing, the abstract class is anonymously
subclassed to describe a server side implementation of HTTP basic authentication; its
boolean checkCredentials(String username, String password)
thenticator's realm. Thismethodreturnstrueforvalidcredentials, andfalsewhenthey
are invalid.
After passing the BasicAuthenticator instance to HttpContext 's
Authenticator setAuthenticator(Authenticator auth) method,
Endpoint 's Endpoint create(Object implementor) method is called to
createan Endpoint instancewiththespecified TempVerterImpl instanceas im-
plementor 's argument. This method's void publish(Object serverCon-
text) methodisthencalledwiththepreviouscontext,andthe HttpServer instance
is started.
If you were to run TempVerterPublisher and TempVerterClient , you
wouldobserve 98.6 followedby 100.0 ontwosuccessivelinesofoutput.However,
ifyoumodified TempVerterClient 'scredentials,youwouldobserveathrownex-
ceptioninregardtonotbeingabletoaccesstheWSDLwhen Service service =
Service.create(url, qname); attemptstoexecute;theWSDLisnotaccess-
ible because authentication has failed.
Note Learn more about JAX-WS and basic authentication by checking out Illya
Yalovyy's “HTTP basic authentication with JAX-WS (Client)” blog post at ht-
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