Java Reference
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void close(MessageContext context) is called at the conclusion
of a MEP just before the JAX-WS runtime dispatches a message, fault or ex-
request-only or request-response message exchanges.
boolean handleFault(C context) isinvokedforfaultmessagepro-
cessing. This method returns true when the handler wants to continue hand-
ling fault messages; otherwise, it returns false. It may throw (asubclassof WebServiceEx-
ception ) or RuntimeException to cause the JAX-WS runtime to cease
the handler's fault processing and dispatch the fault.
boolean handleMessage(C context) isinvokedfornormalprocess-
ing of inbound and outbound messages. This method returns true when the
handler wants to continue handling such messages; otherwise, it returns false.
Itmaythrow ProtocolException or RuntimeException tocausethe
ate a fault.
Each method is called with a MessageContext or subinterface argument that
stores a map of properties for handlers to use to communicate with each other and
for other purposes. For example, MessageCon-
text.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY storesa Boolean objectthatidentifiesa
is Boolean.TRUE fromaclienthandler'sperspectiveand Boolean.FALSE froma
web service handler's perspective.
JAX-WS supports logical and protocol handlers. A logical handler is independent
of the message protocol (it only has access to the message payload) and is associated
with the and<C extends LogicalMes-
sageContext> interfaces. In contrast, a protocol handler is tied to a specific pro-
tocol; JAX-WS supports SOAP protocol handlers with the
and interfaces.
TologtheflowofSOAPmessages,weneedtoworkwith SOAPMessageContext
and SOAPHandler . Listing11-19 presentsa SOAPLoggingHandler classthatim-
plements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> tologtheflowofSOAPmes-
sages by outputting them to the standard output device.
Listing 11-19. Logging SOAP messages to standard output
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