Java Reference
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procedure first examines the javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory sys-
tem property, and lastly calls an instance of the SAAJMetaFactory class's
MessageFactory newMessageFactory(String protocol) meth-
odtoreturnthatfactory.Thismethodthrows SOAPException whenit'sun-
able to create the factory.
MessageFactory newInstance(String protocol) creates a
MessageFactory object that is based on the SOAP implementation spe-
cified by the protocol argument, which is one of the SOAPConstants
SOAP_1_1_PROTOCOL ,or SOAP_1_2_PROTOCOL constants. Thismethod
throws SOAPException when it's unable to create the factory.
Afterinstantiating MessageFactory ,calloneofthefollowingmethodstocreate
a SOAPMessage instance:
SOAPMessage createMessage() createsandreturnsanew SOAPMes-
sage object(actually,aninstanceofaconcretesubclassofthisabstractclass)
with default SOAPPart , SOAPEnvelope , SOAPBody (initially empty) and
SOAPHeader objects. This method throws SOAPException when a
SOAPMessage instance cannot be created, and UnsupportedOpera-
tionException when the MessageFactory instance's protocol is
SOAPMessage createMessage(MimeHeaders headers, In-
putStream in) internalizes the contents of the given object into a new SOAPMessage object and re-
turns this object. The MimeHeaders instance specifies transport-specific
odthrows SOAPException whena SOAPMessage instancecannotbecre-
ated, IOException when there's a problem reading data from the input
stream,and IllegalArgumentException whenthe MessageFactory
instance requires one or more MIME headers to be present in the argument
passed to headers and these headers are missing.
The following example shows you how to instantiate the factory and create a
SOAPMessage object that is ready to be populated:
MessageFactory mf = MessageFactory.newInstance();
SOAPMessage soapm = mf.createMessage();
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