Java Reference
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encodingStyle identifies the rules used to serialize parts of a SOAP mes-
role identifies the SOAP node (via a URI) to which the header block is tar-
geted—thisSOAP1.2-introduced attribute replaces theSOAP1.1 actor at-
tribute, which performs the same function
mustUnderstand indicateswhetherprocessingoftheheaderblockisman-
datory(value 1 inSOAP1.1; true inSOAP1.2)oroptional(value 0 inSOAP
1.1; false in SOAP 1.2)
relay indicates whether the header block targeted at a SOAP receiver must
be relayed to another node if not processed —this attribute was introduced in
SOAP 1.2
The Body elementcontainsinformationthattargetstheultimatereceivernode.This
informationisknownasthe payload ,andconsistsofaSOAP-defined Fault childele-
mentdescribinga fault (anerrorbeingreportedbythewebservice),orchildelements
that are specific to the web service.
The Fault elementcontainserrorandstatusinformationthatawebservicereturns
to a client. SOAP 1.1 specifies the following child elements of Fault :
faultcode :Thismandatoryelementprovidesinformationaboutthefaultin
a form that can be processed by software. SOAP defines a small set of SOAP
fault codes that cover basic faults; this set can be extended by applications.
faultstring :Thismandatoryelementprovidesinformationaboutthefault
in a human-readable format.
faultactor :ThiselementcontainstheURIoftheSOAPnodethatgenerated
the fault. A SOAP node that is not the ultimate SOAP receiver must include
faultactor when creating a fault; an ultimate SOAP receiver doesn't have
to include this element, but might choose to do so.
detail :Thiselementcarriesapplication-specificerrorinformationrelatedto
the Body element. It must be present when Body 's contents couldn't be pro-
cessed successfully. The detail element must not be used to carry error in-
formation belonging to header blocks; detailed error information belonging to
header blocks is carried within these blocks.
SOAP 1.2 specifies the following child elements of Fault :
Code :Thismandatoryelementprovidesinformationaboutthefaultinaform
thatcanbeprocessedbysoftware.Itcontainsa Value elementandanoptional
Subcode element.
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