Java Reference
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C++</title><author>James O. Copli-
en</author><publisher>Addison Wesley</publisher></book>
<response>book deleted</response>
Run LibraryClient asecondtimeandyoushouldobservethatthesecond <re-
sponse>book inserted</response> message has been replaced with can-
not insert book: 400 . This message is output because the library map
already contains an entry whose key identifies ISBN 9781430210450.
Note When you rerun LibraryClient and observe the cannot insert
book: 400 message,youmightalsoobservestrange Library output.Specifically,
you might notice a thrown exception whose first line begins with the date and time
and continues with
processRequest ,whosesecondlineconsistsof SEVERE: null ,andwhosethird
lineconsistsof .Thisstrangeoutputres-
ultsfrom doPost() detectinganattempttoreinsertabookthathasalreadybeenin-
serted, and then throwing HTTPException to Library 's invoke() method,
whichisthenthrownoutof invoke() —it'slegaltothrowthisexceptionoutof in-
voke() ,whichisdocumentedtothrow WebServiceException (and HTTPEx-
ception isadescendentofthisclass).WhenIfirstdetectedthisproblem,Icontacted
days before strangely disappearing. Perhaps I've experienced an anomaly peculiar to
running Library onWindowsXPServicePack3.However,thismightbeagenuine
Java bug.
Accessing Google's Charts Web Service
you can forget about JAX-WS and deal only with HttpURLConnection to make a
request and retrieve the necessary data. Furthermore, youaren't restricted to retrieving
XML data. For example, Google's RESTful Charts web service ( ht-
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