Java Reference
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BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null)
LibraryClient ispartitionedintoa main() methodandfour do -prefixedmeth-
odsforperforming DELETE , GET , POST ,and PUT operations. main() invokeseach
do ” method to make a request and output a response.
A“ do ”methodfirstinstantiatesthe URL class; doDelete() and doGet() attach
query strings to their URI arguments when these methods are called with nonnull
isbn arguments. The method then invokes URL 's URLConnection openCon-
nection() method to return a communications link between the application and
URL instance as an instance of a concrete subclass of the abstract class. This concrete subclass is HttpConnection
because of the http:// prefix in the argument passed to URL 's constructor.
HttpURLConnection 's void setRequestMethod(String method) is
then called to specify the HTTP verb, which must appear in uppercase with no
whitespace. Depending on the “ do ” method, either void setDoInput(boolean
doinput) is called with a true argument, or void setDoInput(boolean
doinput) and void setDoOutput(boolean dooutput) are called with
true arguments,tosignifythataninputstreamorinputandoutputstreamsarerequired
to communicate with the web service.
Each of doPost() and doPut() is required to set the Content-Type request
headerto text/xml ,whichitaccomplishesbypassingthisheaderandMIMEtypeto
the void setRequestProperty(String key, String value) method.
Forgetting to set the content type to text/xml causes the JAX-WS infrastructure to
respond with an internal error response code (500).
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