Java Reference
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The doPost() and doPut() methodsalsohavesimilararchitectures.Eachmeth-
od first transforms the argument passed to its source parameter (which identifies
the XML body of the POST or PUT request) to a
javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult instance. This instance is then
searchedviaXPathexpressions,firstforasingle book element,thenforthe <book>
tag's isbn and pubyear attributes,andfinallyforthe book element'snested title ,
author , and publisher elements —multiple author elements might be present.
The gathered information is used to construct Author and Book objects, where the
Author object(s)is/arestoredinthe Book object.Theresulting Book objectisstored
in the library map, the map is serialized to library.ser , and a suitable XML
message is sent to the client.
As well as providing a slightly different response message, doPost() and
doPut() differ in whether or not the topic is already recorded (as determined by
its ISBN) in the map. If doPost() is called and an entry for the topic is in the
map, doPost() throws HTTPException with response code 400 (bad request). If
doPut() is called and an entry for the topic is not in the map, doPut() throws the
same exception.
The doPut() methodisfollowedby deserialize() and serialize() meth-
odsthatareresponsiblefordeserializingaserializedlibrarymapfrom library.ser
and serializing this map to library.ser , respectively. These methods accomplish
their tasks with the help of the java.beans.XMLDecoder and
java.beans.XMLEncoder classes. According to their documentation, XMLEn-
coder and XMLDecoder aredesignedtoserializeaJavaBeancomponenttoanXML-
ent, respectively.
ents,whichareknownas beans .Abeanisinstantiatedfromaclassthatadherestoat
least the following three conventions:
• The class must include a public noargument constructor.
• Eachoftheclass'spropertiesmustincludeanaccessormethodprefixedby
get or is (foraBooleanproperty)andamutatormethodprefixedby set .
fix.Forexample,a String name; propertydeclarationwouldincludea
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