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ture. In contrast, invoke() 's request argument is passed only to doPost() and
doPut() sothatthesemethodscanaccesstherequest'ssourceofbytes,whichconsist
of the XML for the topic to be inserted or updated.
IfanyotherHTTPverb(suchas HEAD )shouldbepassedastherequestmethod, in-
voke() respondsbythrowinganinstanceofthe HTTPException classwitha405
response code (request method not allowed).
The doDelete() method first obtains the query string that identifies the topic
to delete via its ISBN (as in ?isbn=9781430234135 ). It does so by calling
get(MessageContext.QUERY_STRING) onthe msgContext argumentpassed
to this method.
If the null reference returns, there is no query string and doDelete() deletes
all entries in the map by executing library.clear() . This method then calls the
serialize() methodtopersistthelibrarymapto library.ser ,sothatthenext
invocation of this web service will find an empty library.
If a query string was passed, it will be returned in the form key1 = value1 &
key2 = value2 & …. doDelete() assumesthatonlyasingle key = value pair
is passed, and splits this pair into an array with two entries.
doDelete() firstvalidatesthekeyasoneof isbn , ISBN ,oranyotheruppercase/
lowercase mix of these letters. When this key is any other combination of characters,
doDelete() throws HTTPException witha400responsecodeindicatingabadre-
After extracting the ISBN value, doDelete() passes this value to lib-
rary.remove() , which removes the ISBN String object key/ Book object value
entry from the library map. It then calls serialize() to persist the new map
to library.ser , and creates an XML response message that is sent back to the
client. The message is returned from invoke() as a String object encapsulated
in a instance that's encapsulated in a object.
If doDelete() encounters a problem, it throws an HTTPException instance
with response code 500 indicating an internal error.
The doGet() methodissimilarto doDelete() .However,itrespondstotheab-
all ISBNs, or an XML document containing book information for a specific ISBN.
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