Java Reference
In-Depth Information
TempVerterClient first creates a instance that identifies the
web service's WSDL file. It then creates a javax.xml.namespace.QName in-
stance that identifies the endpoint's qualified service name (see Figure 11-6 ). These
instances are passed to the class's Service cre-
ate(URL wsdlDocumentLocation, QName serviceName) classmethodto
return a Service instance that provides a client view of a web service.
Service 's T getPort(QName portName, Class<T> serviceEnd-
pointInterface) method is then called on the Service instance to return a
proxy for communicating with the web service via its endpoint. The qualified name
passed to portName identifies the endpoint's qualified port name (see Figure 11-6 ) ,
is only one interface in this example. The java.lang.Class instance passed to
serviceEndpointInterface identifiesthe TempVerter SEI.Thismethodre-
turns a proxy object whose class implements TempVerter , or throws when something goes wrong (such as
whennotspecifying endpointInterface inthe TempVerterImpl SIB's @We-
bService annotation, and calling Service 's T getPort(Class<T> ser-
viceEndpointInterface) method, which uses endpointInterface to ac-
cess the SEI).
Assuming that getPort() succeeds, the returned object is used to invoke the
c2f() and f2c() methodswithargumentsrepresentingbodytemperatureindegrees
Celsius and the boiling point of water in degrees Fahrenheit, respectively.
Compilethisclass(via javac ,whichassumesthat
the current directory contains this source file anda ca subdirectory,containing a tu-
tortutor subdirectory,containinga tv subdirectory,containing Listing11-2 ' s Tem- sourcefile).Ifcompilationsucceeds,execute java TempVerter-
Client to run this application, which should generate the following output:
Because the WSDL document in Listing 11-5 and the XML Schema document in
Listing 11-6 contain enough information to let clients communicate with the web ser-
vice,youcanalternativelyusethe wsimport tooltogenerateclient-supportcodefrom
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