Java Reference
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Servers (such as firewalls) can use the SOAPAction attribute's URI value
(whenpresent)tofilterSOAPrequestmessagessentviaHTTP.The input and
output elementscontain soap:body elementswhose use attributesindic-
ate how message parts appear inside of SOAP's Body element —I present an
overviewofSOAPlaterinthischapter.The literal valuemeansthatthese
parts appear literally instead of being encoded. Multiple binding elements
can be specified.
service definesacollectionofendpointsintermsofnested port elements
that expose bindings —a port element's binding attribute identifies a
binding element. Furthermore, the port element identifies the service's
address; because we are dealing with a SOAP service, port contains a
soap:address element whose location attribute specifies this address.
The types , message ,and portType elementsareabstractdefinitionsoftheweb
The binding and service elementsprovideconcretedetailsonhowthisinterfaceis
of the application.
The soap:binding element's style attribute affects how a SOAP message's
Body element is built by indicating whether the operation is document-oriented
(messages contain documents) —the value is document —orRPC-oriented (mes-
sagescontainparametersandreturnvalues)—thevalueis rpc .IdiscussSOAPmes-
sage architecture later in this chapter.
The soap:body element's use attribute indicates whether the WSDL document's
message element's part childelementsdefinetheconcreteschemaofthemessage
—thevalueis literal —orareencodedviacertainencodingrules—thevalueis
encoded .
When use is set to literal , each part element references a concrete schema
definitionusingeitherthe element or type attribute.For element ,thereferen-
cedelementwillappeardirectlyundertheSOAPmessage's Body element(for doc-
ument style bindings) or under an accessor element named after the message part
(for rpc stylebindings).For type ,thereferencedtypebecomestheschematypeof
theenclosingelement( Body for document styleorpartaccessorelementfor rpc
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