Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 11-5. Echoing an incoming request's headers back to the client.
Before invoking start() , you can specify a
java.util.concurrent.Executor instance (see Chapter 6 ) that handles all
HTTPrequests.Thistaskisaccomplishedbycalling HttpServer 's void setEx-
ecutor(Executor executor) method.Youcanalsocall Executor getEx-
ecutor() to return the current executor (the return value is null when no executor
hasbeenset).Ifyoudonotcall setExecutor() beforestartingtheserver,orifyou
pass null to this method, a default implementation based on the thread created by
start() is used.
You can stop a started server by invoking HttpServer 's void stop(int
delay) method.Thismethodclosesthelisteningsocketandpreventsanyqueuedex-
changes from being processed. It then blocks until all current exchange handlers have
finished or delay seconds have elapsed (whichever comes first). An instance of the
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException classisthrownwhen delay isless
than zero. Continuing, all open TCP connections are closed, and the thread created by
the start() method finishes. A stopped HttpServer cannot be restarted.
Most of this chapter's examples rely on the default lightweight HTTP server that's
created whenever you call one of class's publish()
methods. However, I'll also show you how to create and install a custom lightweight
HTTP server to perform authentication later in this chapter.
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