Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Implementing your own lightweight HTTP server consists of three tasks:
1. Createtheserver.Theabstract HttpServer classprovidesan HttpServer
create(InetSocketAddress addr, int backlog) class method
for creating a server that handles the HTTP protocol. This method's addr ar-
gumentspecifiesa objectcontainingan
IPaddressandportnumberfortheserver'slisteningsocket.The backlog ar-
while waiting for acceptance by the server; a value less than or equal to zero
causesasystemdefaultvaluetobeused.Alternatively,youcanpass null to
addr orinvoke HttpServer 's HttpServer create() classmethodto
will need to invoke HttpServer 's void bind(InetSocketAddress
addr, int backlog) method before you can use the server.
2. Create a context. After creating the server, you need to create at least one
context (an instance of a subclass of the abstract HttpContext class) that
maps a root URI path to an implementation of HTTPHandler . Contexts
help you organize the applications run by the server (via HTTP handlers).
(The HttpServer Java documentation shows how incoming request URIs
are mapped to HttpContext paths.) You create a context by invoking Ht-
tpServer 's HttpContext createContext(String path, Ht-
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