Java Reference
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Source source = new DOMSource(doc);
Result result = new StreamResult(System.out);
t.transform(source, result);
Thefirstlineinstantiatesthe javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource class,
which acts as a holder for a DOM tree rooted in the Document object specified
by doc . The second line instantiates the class,whichactsasaholder
for the standard output stream, to which transformed data is sent. The third line reads
data from the Source instance and outputs transformed data to the Result instance.
Tip AlthoughJava'sdefaulttransformerssupportthevarious Source and Result
implementation classes located in the javax.xml.transform.dom ,
javax.xml.transform.sax , javax.xml.transform.stax , and packages, a nondefault transformer (perhaps
specified via the javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory system
property) might be more limited. For this reason, each Source and Result imple-
mentation class declares a FEATURE string constant that can be passed to Trans-
formerFactory 's boolean getFeature(String name) method. This
methodreturnstruewhenthe Source or Result implementationclassissupported.
For example, tf.getFeature(StreamSource.FEATURE) returns true when
stream sources are supported.
The javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory classprovides
additionalSAX-specificfactorymethodsthatyoucanuse,butonlywhenthe Trans-
formerFactory instance is also an instance of this class. To help you make the
determination, SAXTransformerFactory also declares a FEATURE string con-
stant that you can pass to getFeature() . For example,
tf.getFeature(SAXTransformerFactory.FEATURE) returns true when
the transformer factory referenced from tf is an instance of SAXTransformer-
Factory .
multiple times on the same thread, you cannot access the transformer from multiple
mentthe javax.xml.transform.Templates interface.TheJavadocumentation
forthisinterfacehasthistosay: Templates must be threadsafe for a given instance over
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